Wednesday, 9 November 2016


 The picture above is of a Whooper Swan that turned up at New Hythe lakes in early 2010 I think. It was great to see it, but it was virtually tame, showed no fear of humans, was happy to pose close up and was almost certainly an escapee from a collection somewhere.

These two pictures are also of a Whooper, this one turned up on Abbey Mead lake, New Hythe on  Saturday 5th November 2016 and was found by Glenn Honey. This one is completely unapproachable, extremely camera shy and almost impossible to get near to. It seemed very tired on Saturday morning and  spent most of its time sleeping, surely a 'proper' Whooper for New Hythe this time.

On Tuesday morning Alan Woodcock went to Abbey Mead to see the swan and was amazed to see another one fly over the lake calling. You can read his report  on his blog here

Alan also found a drake Goldeneye while watching the Whooper at Abbey Mead. I went to see it on Tuesday, it was my 108th species for this site this year which is my best total in the last 10 years. I was also surprised to see over 40 Wigeon on the lake, this is by far the most I have ever seen at New Hythe. The Autumn seems to be shaping up nicely.


Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Nice pictures.. happy week Phil..

Mike Attwood said...

This is the time of the year for me when the migrant swans arrive. Be lucky Phil, Mike.

Ken. said...

A nice blog report,some really good birds down the lakes. Very nice pics.