Saturday, 25 February 2017

IT'S AN ILL WIND...........

 Thursday was Doris day. Not the singer, the storm. Maybe it was the storm that bought this stunning male Green Woodpecker into the shelter of my front garden.

 We do get the occasional garden visit from these birds but generally we hear them in the surrounding orchards and paddocks rather than see them.

This chap must have found an ant's nest I think. He stayed for at least half an hour and spent most of the time with his beak in the grass.....

..... surfacing every second or so to check for the local Sparrowhawk, and for me.

I've lost count of the times i've tried to get close enough to one to get a half decent picture, they always see me coming. 

But i'll settle for these despite being behind glass. Thankfully the window cleaner came a couple of days earlier.

After filling up on ants, he sat for a while looking quite relaxed and I got on with the decorating.


Wilma said...

Beautiful woodpecker. How great to be able to watch it for so long.

Ken. said...

Hi Phil.
Nice shots of the Woody. If your only going to pics of one bird during day it is a great one to get.
Three cheers for the window cleaner!

Phil said...

Thanks for your comment Wilma. Nice to hear from you. Hope all is well in paradise.

Phil said...

Thanks Ken. Hope you are well.

Mike Attwood said...

Hi Phil, I had one visit my garden for the first time the other day. It must be a new trend.

Phil said...

A very welcome new trend Mike!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Beautiful pictures.. We have a subspecies in Spain .. Not so much mascara.. Cheers

Phil said...

Hola Ana. Thanks for your visit. Hope to see the Spanish version one day:-)

Bobby Chase said...

Hello mate, great blog