Thursday, 7 February 2013


 The drake Goldeneye  was still on Alders small lake this morning, looking very handsome in the bright conditions. It was just a shame that I couldn't get close enough for a picture.
Above Brooklands car park a Sparrowhawk circled slowly into the blue, harangued all the time by a flock of about twenty Goldfinches. The Hawk appeared indifferent to their attention but must have been frustrated to have breakfast flying so tantalisingly close. At Bucket Wood creek a Kingfisher skimmed the surface of the full river and landed briefly on an overhanging branch to show off his breakfast, a small silver fish held firmly in his bill. From the wood a single Common Snipe, two Lapwings, a pair of Gadwalls and a very vocal Redshank were the slightly meagre highlights.
The only highlight at Brooklands was this Goldcrest, who hovered and flitted among the dead, seed bearing plants in the SW corner of the lake. As with the Treecreepers in the previous post i've gone a bit over the top with my Box Brownie. But times are hard and days are mostly dark so i'm making the most of any opportunity.

I could only find one Red-head Smew on Abbey Mead lake, there could have been more but the lake is big, the birds are small and they are very good at 'disappearing' themselves. As are the New Hythe Bitterns this winter, another vigil at Streamside failed to produce one. But I did see a couple more Goldcrests there and another Treecreeper. Also sadly, a dead Gt Crested Grebe.
On the way back to the car park I watched a Kestrel hunting over the mound and added my 69th NH year species with a single Reed Bunting who called flatly and looked a bit lost I thought.


Ana Mínguez Corella said...

I love this bird.. So beautiful. A regard

Jason K said...

Cracking Goldcrest photos Phil...I have never managed to get a decent one of them with my Box brownie!

Marianne said...

Sounds a good day. Lovely photos of the Goldcrest, well done on catching it front-end on - they always seem to present me with backside views, though I suppose this allows me to delude myself that they might be Firecrests :)

Greenie said...

Phil ,
Tried for the Goldeneye this morning , but it was not to be found .
Great shots of the other 'Goldie' .

Warren Baker said...

Blimey, A whole hatfull of bird species there that I would be jumping up and down for here Phil :-)

Pam said...

Hi Phil, still not had any luck with the Smew but will try again in the morning. Goldeneye would be a good consolation....

Pam said...

Oops. Logged in as my wife!

ShySongbird said...

Love the Goldcrest photos Phil. They are usually so difficult to photograph when they are constantly flitting about!

Ken. said...

Love the Goldcrest shots, would love to get a few shots like that.
Getting some good birds down there at the moment.

Bob Bushell said...

Oh, I miss them, they seems that they don't come around anymore, maybe it's me. Beautiful images you have got Phil.

Noushka said...

That is one bird I dream to see... never mind taking a picture!!
Well done!