Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Redhead Smew

I got an e mail from Adam Whitehouse this morning to say that a redhead smew had been reported on the motorway lake, presumably the same one that myself and others had seen on Railway lake, then Streamside, then Abbey Mead and then Brooklands, it's a bit flighty this redhead. This is the lake at the bottom of my garden so I picked up my binoculars and walked down to the garden fence and there she was, hanging out with a couple of tufties. How's that for a garden tick!
Thanks Adam.


Warren Baker said...

well, Smew is ok for a garden tick I suppose. ;-)

Steve said...

That is some garden tick. I'd be interested to know fellow bloggers best garden ticks (although yours takes some beating) Mine is Osprey.

Phil said...

Steve, I would definitely swap my smew for your osprey.

Adam said...

7x Hawfinches ;-) Sorry, still dining out on that one!

Greenie said...

Phil ,
What chance does a townie have against you country boys ?
Cock Pheasant on top of the hedge , immediately outside the patio doors is
all I can manage .
( The Foxes keep the good ones away )

Tony Morris said...

Great Garden tick, my best are: Montague's Harrier, Osprey, White Stork and Waxwing, but only got Mallard in the duck list!

Warren Baker said...

I had a Firecrest in the garden one october day.

Phil said...

Great stuff chaps.........I feel quite inadequate now!!
Thanks for all of your comments