Sunday, 15 November 2009

New Hythe Sunday 15th November

Had an hour at New Hythe late this afternoon with Carol, hoping to see the bittern which is resident again in it's usual wintering spot on Streamside lake.
We had been there about twenty minutes when Dennis and Doreen, two regular New Hythe watchers turned up with the same thing in mind. The bittern duly obliged soon after with a short flight within the reedbed just as the last rays of the afternoon sun died away.
Other birds seen included gadwall, green woodpecker and a reed bunting which is the first I have seen here for some time.


Warren Baker said...

Hi Phil,
Just found your blog. I'm always interested in ''close by sites'' i'll be back to visit you and put a link from my site to yours

Phil said...

Thanks Warren. I've been following your blog for some time now, seems like a very good, diverse patch you have.

Adam Whitehouse said...

Hi Phil

Blog looking very good - glad you caught up with the Bittern, had it briefly last Saturday afternoon. Let's hope more start dropping in!


Phil Sharp said...

Thanks Adam
At least one at Brooklands as well